Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Dash & Smash

October 31, 2008

Satya Adventure Club celebrates Halloween with a DASH & SMASH!
"Dash" around town in our costumes, and then get "Smashed" - kidding! - at the local pub in Saugatuck. We were dressed like our running coach Marylynn complete with blonde wigs, green headband, fanny packs - including first aid kits, a whistle, and anything else you could possibly need - a leash around our waist with stuffed dogs named Polly and Otto (her dogs), and huge headphones with alien sized antennas -- it was a riot! Everyone around town was stumped as to WHO we were - but we knew, and had a great time! We ran one mile for every 100 calories consumed in chocolate - which left us running till dawn (well it felt that way!). Afterwards, we got smashed on french fries, liquid carbs, and had loads of fun in town! BTW - the donkey was Marylynn icognito! She cheated!

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