Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

What You Can Do to Practice Lightly on the Earth For Yoga Practitioners:

Walk, bike, bus or carpool to class.

Bring a reusable water bottle to class.

Reuse rather than discard your old yoga mats and other props (see below for how to recycle old yoga mats).

Seek out yoga products and clothing that are produced without using toxic chemicals, pesticides or nonrenewable resources.

Encourage your local studio to offer non-toxic yoga products and organic clothing, and commit to the list below.

Learn more about the traditional yoga principal of "ahimsa" (non-harm) and how you can apply this in practice in your life.

Reycling old yoga mats:

Drop off your old mat at an animal rescue group. Most of these places need soft, durable mats, rugs, towels, & blankets to line crates.

Cut your mat into circles or squares. Use as a grip pad for opening jars, a cushion for your knees while gardening, for underneath the legs of furniture to protect wood floors, or underneath rugs on slippery floors.

Use your mat on the beach instead of a towel.

Use your mat under your sleeping bag while camping.

Cut into coasters for your coffee table. You can also use it under your plants to catch drips.

Put your mat over your car seat to keep your pets from slipping around on leather seats.

Reduce, reuse, recycle! Happy Earth Day from Satya Yoga Center!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Fundraiser

Each month, Satya Yoga Center chooses a charity to support. For March, we chose Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. We give 100% of the proceeds of our fundraiser to the cause we choose, as well as donating our time and energy to promoting it.

We had a fantastic turn-out in March, so much more than we could have imagined! We stopped counting people at about 70 and we also had 13 dogs come to visit! Many of the dogs invited were available to be adopted so, if you see someone you're interested in, please let us know! We'd love to be able play matchmaker for you and your new best friend!

We started the evening just spending time getting to know each dog and letting the dogs get to know each other. Everyone did great! We followed that up with a video detailing Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. "The sanctuary, at the heart of Southern Utah's Golden Circle of national parks, is home, on any given day, to about 1,500 dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, birds and other animals." (from the Best Friends web site http://www.bestfriends.org/). We also had experts in attendance (Dr. Ray from Mac's Landing in Fennville http://www.macslanding.com/ and Deb Scanzillo from Dogs Bay Country Club for dogs http://www.dogsbay.net/) who donated their time for a question and answer session.

Thank you so much to all who donated, who attended, who brought food, who brought dogs! We couldn't have done it without you! Extra thanks to Michele for all her hard work, and her sassy fashion sense!

To donate to Best Friends click here: https://www.bestfriends.org/donate/index.cfm?

Next month: Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund.

St. Jude Children's Hospital Fundraiser

Each month Satya Yoga Center puts on a fundraiser for the charity of our choice. Our choices are inspired by real people and from real experiences. We donate 100% of our proceeds to the cause of the month.

For February, our owner, Michele, chose St. Jude Children's Hospital. With St. Jude "your donation makes a real difference. During the past three years, 85 percent of every dollar received by ALSAC/St. Jude has gone to the current or future needs of St. Jude." (from St. Jude's web site, http://www.stjude.org/).

We started our evening with a short video profiling the follow-up visit of a young cancer survivor. We toured the hospital with her as she pointed out points of interest and spoke to real life parents of St. Jude's children. The video showed children undergoing treatment as well as the parents supporting them. It was heartbreaking and inspiring.

After our video we practiced together to honor those children, as well as to honor those who had lost their lives to their diseases. Our children ran through the studio, chasing balloons and giggling, as we practiced, adding to the experience for us. Michele reminded us all to dedicate our asana to the children and to delight in the laughter of those around us. It was a very moving practice.

We ended the evening casually, practicing some partner yoga together and sharing some snacks. New relationships were forged and old friendships strengthened. We were able to raise money for a worthy cause as well as to connect with our fellow yogis.

To donate to St. Jude, click here:

Next month: Paws for a Cause with our Best Friends Animal Sanctuary fundraiser!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Welcome to Satya Yoga Center!

SATYA YOGA CENTER is a space devoted to the promotion of health of mind, body & spirit.

It is a Center where all are welcome.

We work hard to create an environment where people can feel liberated, accepted and at peace.

In yogic philosophy, SATYA is one of the traditional “yamas”, or ethical codes for living.

It means truthfulness.

Truthfulness to ourselves, in speaking out loud, and living honestly.

The SATYA YOGA CENTER is a place of well-being where people can retreat, and work on developing and re-connecting to their true selves. SATYA is also the emblem of many peaceful social movements, particularly those centered on social justice and environmentalism.

Our goal is to be a local community 'health' center, where everyone is welcome, everyone feels at home, and, as a community we learn how to better ourselves and the world we live in. We opened our doors on August 1, 2007, and received a wonderful welcome from our beautiful lakeside community!

At SATYA Center, we are blessed with over 1,400 square feet of tranquil space. Light pours through the tall windows, and overlooks the surrounding woods, inviting the sights and sounds of mother nature.

We offer ample parking, and are very easy to find. The Center is contemporary in style, and earth-friendly. It is complimented with a landscaped courtyard and nestled nicely into the woods.

Satya Yoga Center offers a variety of classes and is open 7 days a week! Come check us out in person or online at http://www.satyayogacenter.net/.